Thursday, July 12, 2007


Friday, March 2nd, 2007
These 8 points summarize why I think Allison Fine’s book “Momentum” should be on every philanthropists, npro staff, and activist’s list. While discussing ‘powering the edges’ of your network/movement she offers these principles.
1. Power is not a zero-sum game. Pushing power to the edge increases the amount of power overall foe individuals and organizations.
2. People are smart and caring; treat them that way.
3. Being a donor is not the same as being a community member. Having donors is not the same as having a community.
4. People know when participation is meaningful and when it is superficial.
5. An energetic, caring community is more effective than a static organization with a well crafted mission.
6. Organizations are meant to guide and help steer, not to do all the heavy lifting.
7. The cycle of life is real in social change; some communities and institutions are meant to die after a time.
8. Communities are self-regulating for the most part but still require steady and inclusive leadership.

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