Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Least That I Can Do

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007
I know, I know we’ve been down this road before. I think it is an important idea so I will continue to harp on it. If you have had enough ‘prompting’ then just move on to your next blog.

A few months ago a friend and I were having breakfast and I was thanking him for something he had done ( I now don’t remember what because 1) my memory isn’t what it used to be 2) he and others do so much that I find it hard to keep track). He said ” It’s the least that I can do.” I have heard this expression thousands of time but this time it realy struck me. What was the least that I could do? When faced with an issue, a crisi, a problem, another person - what is the least that I can do? I began you look at my own actions and question whether what I was doing was the least that I was comfortable with and was there more that I could do. I began to ask people ‘the question’ as it has become known in my circles. I have asked it almost 50 times in the past 2 months and I have never been disappointed. I was nervous how some might take the challenge but in every instance I have been pleasantly surprised. The respondent has always exceeded my expectations. I am not suggesting that you go about your day challenging everyone you meet ( I am not discouraging that either). Can you ask yourself that question at least once everyday for the next week and guage your response. Don’t just ask in the big ( macro) situations like climate change but ask also in the small (micro) relationship situations that you face. Over the next few days I will offer some “least I can do’ options in the area of environment, hunger, friends, and shopping. Try to remember to Turn Off the Juice on Thursday from 11:55-12:00 (in Calgary).

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