Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Least I Can Do List

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
1. Use your turn signal.

2. Learn the Heimlich or CPR or First Aid

3. Check you bottom - is there a draft coming in under your door? Don’t let energy and $ escape.

4. Pack your own tools (cup/stirrer) when visiting coffeeshop.

5. Unless you were born the genius that you are, someone deserves thanking.

6. Set aside 25 cents from your pocket or purse every day and then just give away $50 in six months

7. Buy freetrade coffee

8. Open a door for someone and then smile and say ” Have a great day”

9. Go for a neighbourhood walk.

10. Pick up some trash.

1 comment:

Bob McInnis said...

Jon Says:

March 7th, 2007 at 4:06 pm
Re #4: I thought everyone always brought their own spoons with them wherever they go