Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Make a difference

“Don’t walk away because you think you can’t make a difference. Pick a cause! Be a citizen! Vote! Tell your governments what you want them to do and what you will not tolerate that they do on your behalf!” Louise Arbour (former Canadian judge and chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda)

I was at an important session last night. The Calgary Foundation celebration was a follow-up on its Vital Signs report card where Calgarians indicated that they are unhappy and embarrassed by situations and issues in this prosperous city. Residents gave barely passing grades to issues as diverse as education, disparity, housing, health and wellness, arts, and environment. The report is meant to spur discussion and hopefully action in improving the 12 areas surveyed.
In the midst of the evening, Eva Friesen- President of the Calgary Foundation, gave a brief history. She concluded that in 2007 TCF had assets of $334 million had collected more than 445 million in 2006 and granted $33 million. I was surprised at the applause that this received because what I heard was that over $300 million dollars was tied up, accomplishing nothing, while the city was crumbling around us. Imagine what half the foundation's assets might be able to 'solve'.

“The most powerful people in a democracy are individuals.” President Jimmy Carter.

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