You Can Make A Difference! Sometimes by merely showing up you can cause a small ripple but when your actions become immediate relevant and concrete you can help create a wave.
Mmmmm! Nothing better than a two-day-old pizza sub from the gas station and a cute little 4 litre jug of chocolate milk in the back of a two-tone 1978 Ford Fairmont on Christmas morning with acres of snow covered farmland to remind you why Saskatchewan is God's country.
I need a venue to speak my mind, reflect on events, scream from a soap box and be a pain. I hope the posts help you recognize how remarkable you are and allows you to let others know as well.There will likely be times that my ramblings here will offend and I should probably apologize, but I won't because being offended or taking offense isn't necessarily a bad thing.
1 comment:
Mmmmm! Nothing better than a two-day-old pizza sub from the gas station and a cute little 4 litre jug of chocolate milk in the back of a two-tone 1978 Ford Fairmont on Christmas morning with acres of snow covered farmland to remind you why Saskatchewan is God's country.
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